Things have been a whirlwind since our launch on June 18. The book landed on the Edmonton Journal bestseller list twice. We were featured in a four minute video that aired on Omni TV, and will be appearing at the West End Seniors luncheon on September 10. We have had a lot of good press and great reaction to our book.
In July, I went to in Lumsden, Saskatchewan. I spent 10 days hanging out with other writers and working with Lawrence Hill, who served as my mentor. I’m working on a novel. The book is slow-going, but it’s a really fun project. Working with Lawrence was fantastic. We got along well and we had a lot in common to talk about. He was a great mentor to me. I also got to interact with many other fabulous writers, including Denise Chong, Ken Babstock, Wayne Grady, Merilyn Simonds and Helen Humphreys. I also made many friends among the fellow writers who were working alongside me, and got to meet or re-visit a number of well known Saskatchewan literati. It was a bit of a homecoming and a return to myself.
Then I stayed in Saskatoon for a few days, drove home and saw some Alberta farms, and volunteered for Folk Fest.
On August 23, I attended Open Farm days, where I read poetry at a farm to table dinner held at The Cheesiry, a farm that specializes in local sheep cheese. I’m trying to slow down right now. I want to continue working on the novel, and spend more time reading, resting, writing, doing yoga, watching movies and just hanging out with my boyfriend and friends. There are some curve balls in life, as there always are, but I’ve got my writing back and I’m really happy about that.