I realized I haven’t live-blogged a movie since I live Tweeted “Fifty Shades of Grey.” So I decided to watch “Splash!” and record my thoughts. Maybe I’ll regret this in the morning. Hopefully it won’t hurt my brand. Going to record my reactions to “Splash!”, a movie I loved as a kid. When I was […]
Tag: writing
Banff and yellow dal
Hello, I am in Banff doing a retreat at the Banff Centre for the Arts. I am convinced that this place is paradise. They have an incredible dining room with a buffet, a pool and fitness centre and lots of artistic activities. Plus it’s on a gorgeous campus. I am in love. But that doesn’t […]
A little bit of an update
Things have been a whirlwind since our launch on June 18. The book landed on the Edmonton Journal bestseller list twice. We were featured in a four minute video that aired on Omni TV, and will be appearing at the West End Seniors luncheon on September 10. We have had a lot of good press […]
A brief update, and my new book!
It was a long, hard and cold winter. I had depression. I got better. And then some other stuff happened. I participated in Scrawl-a-thon, a fundraiser for Wordsworth Youth Writing camp, and managed to raise over $400 for the camp. I went to a workshop taught by one of my writing heroes Sarah Selecky . […]
My hiatus went wonderfully. I wrote about 30 pages each day and read and watched lots of movies. It was sort of relaxing. I also learned that a story I wrote for Alberta Venture is now online. You can read about how Alberta farmers are dealing with climate change right over here- >
My artsy profile
This week, I am profiled on my friend Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail’s website. I belong to an Edmonton based women’s creative mixer group, and Danielle is profiling all interested members. You can read my profile here
My friend Chris wrote a book
I now have my first editing credit. My friend Chris
A dark winter with a promising spring….
I haven’t updated on life or writing circumstances for a long time. I haven’t had a chance to catch my breath and sit down to compose a blog post to tell you about my life. The winter of 2012 and 2013 sucked all across the prairies. It was a Sinclair Ross winter. It was a […]
How to write a book of poetry
I first wrote this as a guest post for the Metro Writer in Residence blog from the Edmonton Public Library. This year’s writers in residence are Omar Mouallem and Natasha Deen. Here’s my post, reposted here- Here are some things you can do to help take you from scribbled notebook pages to published book. 1. […]
Why do so many people want to write?
For the past couple of days, I’ve been asking myself this very question. “Why do so many people want to write?” I know lots of writers. The writers I know include poets, novelists, short story writers and screenwriters. I know people who make their living writing articles for newspapers, magazine articles and copy for websites […]